‘Indeed, the irony of its appearance in the current political climate has not been lost on Chinese media, who are dubbing the bird a "Brexit refugee".’ 🙂

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Here's a gift link to an article in today's Washington Post on declining bird populations: https://wapo.st/48Xovow

It includes an UScentric interactive link to find out how your favourite (American) bird is doing.

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Thank you! That looks really useful and interesting, especially as I know not nearly enough about American birds.

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Omg the analogy between Tolstoy’s characters and a bird guide is brilliant

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I might have to upgrade, that was below the future paywall 😅

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That is my evil plan, indeed.

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What an absolute treat this post is.... and I'm with you on the FP... blue tits upside down ? It's extraordinary and mind-blowing and magic

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Thank you Jo!

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Loved this! (A while back - with the assistance of a bird book - had the opportunity of observing that teenagers and young jays behave very similarly, enjoying congregating in large, noisy groups, swaggering about and showing off to each other...

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Hahaa we have more in common with birds than many people think.

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I’m not a birder, but this Lev Parikian post is beautifully written and narrated as well as interesting and informative! I’m a new fan.

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Thank you so much! I’ll convert you to birds yet.

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Mr. Parikian, my two serious birder friends are right now in Japan tracking down exotic birds. They have literally travelled the world, nearly all seven continents, some exotic locations to observe, enjoy, and photograph our feathered friends. I think you and them WILL convert me👍🏻!

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How unbelievably marvelous: thinking of the characters in War and Peace as a multitude of birds is very soothing. Now I want to just observe all the characters’ feathers and listen to all their songs.

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This entire piece was worth it just for the opportunity to hear exactly what Tswee-ooOoOo-s’b’widdle-ibalooOOoo. Tsib-a-lib-a-tsweeee. or twee-oo-sibilib-a-tsweeeee-tswi-tswi-spleeeooo sound like. Reading such utterances for some years now didn't prepare me for the mellifluence when you read it, Lev.

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My sister calls me Fotherington Thomas (she is Molesworth, naturally) for that exact reason: I'm always saying "Hullo" to the sky and clouds and blue tits. I wear the name proudly and maintain that we should all be a little more FT 😄 Loving your work Lev, looking forward to the next one.

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Thank you, yes! “Who is this person? What do they look like? Are they related to someone else I’ve already met? Will I remember them? DOES IT MATTER?”nonce I answered this with “no, not now at least,” I was able to just let go and live in the moment with Tolstoy.

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Absolutely glorious Robin impression. Terrifying impression of a coked up Fotherington-Thomas. Dunlin murmuration--what sorcery..?!

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Extraordinary, isn’t it (the dunlins, I mean – can’t speak for the effect of the robin on the hapless listener)

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I definitely don't take our local feathered friends for granted! I visited the UK from Canada last fall and was able to add so many birds to my life list. But most of the ones I added would probably be considered common birds by you! Whereas most of the ones in my neighbourhood would verge on the exotic...

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This is part of the joy, isn’t it? Everything’s rare somewhere – if I saw a Blue Jay, I’d watch it for hours.

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They are quite pretty, and make a variety of noises, which is part of their charm!

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Lev… love the recording..

I am putting together a collection of sorts, just different sounds, tweets, noises that different birds make etc. I don’t need the audio, I just need it in writing…

Any idea where I can find something along those lines??

Something similar to what was mentioned above: Tsib-a-lib-a-tsweeee

Maybe someone has put something together, no idea…


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Hi Krishna, I’ve done a few of that kind of thing on those lines – usually only when a bird sound particularly captures my imagination. But no doubt I could do more. Field guides (the Collins Bird Guide, for example) often include that kind of thing in the descriptions for birds, but not for every bird. And the descriptions I write tend to be a bit less literal, and aim for something of the character of the song.

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Awesome, will definitely check that out… I started birding and cataloguing my findings recently… just need the different calls in writing.. Appreciate the advice!!

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